It happens in the heart.

One Heart Productions

Gallery of Projects

OneHeart productions and Artheater productions 2001- 2006
All in the Timing

openquotesTheater that aerobicizes the Brain and tickles the heart.closedquote -Time

All in the Timing


David Ives

Directed by

Sheila Lopez

Read the review

Trinette Reed Image by Trinette Reed

The Shadow Box


Michael Cristofer

Directed by

Sheila Lopez

A powerful drama about the dilemma facing those living under a clearly defined death sentence, and the people who love them.

no image

Beyond Therapy


Christopher Durang

Directed By

Sheila Lopez

"When I wrote this play all my friends were turning thirty. Most of them were seeing psychiatrists. They all talked about relationships (me too. me too). And they
all worried about not being married yet; so
the play is about 'relationships' and also how psychology and psychobabble hinder
and help us." 
Christopher Durang

Christof Geissel

Photo: Christof Geissel

Plays directed by

Andreas Robertz at the Artheater, Cologne, Germany.

Secret Society



The Pillowman

Photo: Christof Geissel

Plays directed by

Andreas Robertz at the Artheater, Cologne, Germany.

The Pillowman


Martin McDonagh